You come at me and I to you,
Until we meet in a perfectly still space
Our own place, where hearts, minds, bodies
Connect in timeless understanding, for we have been here before.
An island of our own creation,
Away from the world.

You come at me and I to you,
We stand on our island and face a turbulent sea.
I do not want to leave.
Tomorrow, we jump in.

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I hadn’t known her long, or at all.
I knew her by one name,
But every now and then
the remnants of her past became plain.
A different name, from a different life
Reminds me she was someone else’s wife.

The radio plays and she drifts away.
I reach for her delicate hand,
The one without a ring,
But with the shadow of a band.
She offers a smile as I wonder what she’s thinking.
Her far off sadness has my heart sinking.

Will she think of me in that wistful way
When I’ve joined the ghosts of yesterday?

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Foolish heart, when will you learn
to keep from being burned?
I caution you always to retreat
Since you are only too willing to repeat
Giving yourself over,
to the romantic notions that bind you to another.
How can I protect you if you do not let me lead?
How much longer can you bleed?

O, logical and rational mind,
How can you be so blind?
Why don’t you use the eyes in your head to see
The wonder of love and all its possibilities
before always cautioning me.
Your ways of retreat may keep me from bleeding,
But it also keeps me from the love I am needing.
I heed your intuition, but I trust in fate;
for love awaits!

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